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What is your TRUE cost of data busy work?


Let's face it.  While some of you are better than others, you all spend an inordinate amount of time and resources getting product data to conform to your back-end.  And to do it well, you need Vertical and Category experts, who are able to spot errors and optimize the data.  What is the annual cost for  that?


We actually know your pain - because we've lived in your shoes...for years.


​At Industry Sync, we focus on finding intelligent solutions to these challenges, going beyond the current ETL offerings to provide an automated, end to end white glove solution - delivering to you refined data, production ready for immediate on-boarding. 


We have built a cloud based, scalable, multi-tenancy solution that leverages BIG DATA engines to replace the spreadsheets, macros and human horsepower.  Once we have applied your rules to the data, the platform reliably and consistently takes the MFR's data and outputs it your way.


Our blue sky vision is that you never touch your data again.


And because we are a multi-tenancy platform, it means that "all" partners, either on the import side or the export side, live securely in our data warehouse.   We can host some or all of your brands and while we do the heavy data lifting, your Product Team can now focus on the important things, like growing your business!




You have to go to each Vendor to get data and images. The more brands you have the more places you need to go to...too many portals, too many ftp's, too many calendar reminders to go check for updates, etc.

You tell us the brands you want. With our multi-tenancy platform, we’ll host the brands all in one place, providing fast downloads and bulk action capabilities. Then, based on your preference, we’ll deliver the data or assets in the format you have requested. AND we’ll systemically check and notify you of updates so you never miss one!



Your taxonomy is unique and you have to update the Vendor data every time you on-board new items.

We store your taxonomy structure on the platform and the system automatically updates to your Group, Category, Sub-Category etc. We can also accomodate one to many relationships.



You have different naming convention needs for image files.

Provide your naming convention and we will automate the renaming of every file.



You need to resize every primary image to support your website UX. This is process and storage intensive.

We will store your image size specs and deliver every image size required AND we can even host them for you, providing a reliable and fast cloud based CDN.



You require your data in a particular format: csv, xml, xlmls or XML.

We can deliver your data in ANY file format you need.

AND we can deliver to any location: email, ftp or an old school download.



You might struggle with keeping up with Vendor promotions and price changes...or...triggering when the sale starts and ends.

We'll develop a custom data update flow that aligns with your backend capabilities...and provide the data in your format, of course.



Marketplaces like Amazon and Houzz have their own templates and data requirements. If you haven’t integrated with them directly, managing these templates requires a lot of time and attention.

We already have Amazon and Houzz templates loaded on our platform. We just need to map your data to their fields and the system takes care of the rest. And we can do this for any marketplace -- so now you can focus on curating the assortment for optimal revenue.



You enjoy inside pricing discounts and have to update the cost prices to reflect them and/or your Trade program has a tiered pricing structure..

We securely code your pricing rules to align with your discounts so the price is always right.  Same for your Trade prices, rules ensure correct pricing, every time.


Let's say you have it all figured out and have a great system on your side. Of course, the Vendors are still doing it their way BUT if you have the clout, you can try to force them to deliver to your specs or use an ETL company or some other solution. And while you could be successful with one or 2 or maybe 5 Vendors who have seamlessly applied the rules and everything is humming along...the reality is, you will be hard pressed to convince the rest of the industry to all fall in. Its not because they don’t want to accommodate you, its because they can’t. They don’t have the resources, nor the skill set to meet all the data needs of their many Retailers.


Industry Sync...of course.

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